moving content db for a site collection to another db server

12 Mar


Here are the steps you will need to take Lets call content DB “MyTESTContentDB”

  1. Do a database backup for the content db “MyTESTContentDB” from sql management studio
  2. Go to target DB Server and create a empty database naming “MyTESTContentDB” after the content DB
  3. Restore the backup from step 1 to empty database create in step 2 “MyTESTContentDB”
  4. Go to SharePoint server and run following script Dismount-spcontentdatabase “MyTESTContentDB” and type “Y” to confirm
  5. Run the following script

    stsadm -o addcontentdb -url -databasename MyTESTContentDB -databaseserver TARGETDBSERVER

You will have to input actual URL, actual db name and correct target db server name

Please refer this:

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Posted by on March 12, 2014 in SharePoint


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